Whilst I was away I found something else that certainly peaked my interest. Now this isn’t fashion but it certainly is stuff. I came across MindGenius Mind Mapping Software. This was recommended to me by a friend and I now use this mind map software for everything. I use it for work when I’m planning projects and brainstorming for ideas. I use it at home for creating shopping lists and for note taking. For those that don’t know, a Mind Map is a diagram used to represent thoughts and ideas with branches extending from each idea centered round a specific keyword or idea. It has been suggested that the mind mapping technique can improve learning/study efficiency up to 15% over conventional note taking. Thank you MindGenius! I mind map everything in my life right now. At the weekend, before my weekly shop, I will map out all the things I need to buy or could potentially buy and rank them in order of importance. Just in time for Christmas!  I don’t know how I survived without mind maps before. Check out MindGenius Mind Mapping Software yourself!

MindGenius Mind Mapping Software


MindGenius Mind Mapping Software